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Who We Are

Established in 1961, Easton Area Industrial Land Developers (EAILD) is a private not-for-profit economic development Pennsylvania Corporation. EAILD's original purpose was "to improve the employment base (create/expand jobs) by attracting industries to our community." This was achieved by purchasing land and developing two Industrial Parks, with the help of numerous public and private sector partners. One Industrial Park was located in Forks Township, and one in Palmer Township. Both these Parks now employ approximately 6000 workers. EAILD no longer has land investments in these Parks ,and the individual municipalities continue to market sites if they become available.


Since 2002, EAILD’s primary focus has been the early-stage and bridge-loan financing for real estate and business developers within the four-square miles of the City of Easton municipality. The Downtown Historic District (created in 2006 legislation) and various neighborhoods in the City of Easton have experienced a Renaissance in private and public financial investments. These have involved existing buildings, new-construction, real estate development, business expansion, and hundreds of new residential owners and renters.


The strength of the City’s Revitalization and Renaissance comes from the positive, public-private partnerships which have made the various projects possible. For more information on the mission and programs which have been a driving force for revitalization, we direct you to the website of The Greater Easton Development Partnership ( In addition, the strong and directed leadership from Easton’s elected officials and administrators have been the backbone for the City’s significantly improved direction.  See the City of Easton website (

Easton Area Industrial Land Developers

26 North Third Street

Easton PA 18042

Philip B. Mitman, Executive Director

Telephone: 484-241-7314


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